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How To Dispose of Blinds in Australia

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by All Gone Admin
Modern household blinds

Redecorating our homes to match our changing tastes and preferences is always thrilling. It can be by picking new furniture, stripping the kitchen or bathroom, and letting go of some old stuff, like your dusty blinds, to make space for better ones. 

We all use blinds to manage light and add privacy at home, just like curtains. However, when it’s time to replace your trusty blinds, you’re stuck wondering how to dispose of them properly without adding to the growing mountain of waste. Tossing them out might be easy and convenient, but it’s not great for the environment. So, how?

If you find it challenging to dispose of your blinds, fear not! We’re here to assist you with 5 practical ways to bid farewell to your blinds responsibly.

The following methods apply to most, if not all, of the following types of blinds:

  • Roman blinds
  • Roller blinds
  • Vertical blinds
  • Venetian blinds
  • Wooden blinds
  • Motorised blinds
  • Aluminium blinds
  • Panel blinds
  • All types of curtains

Get ready and read along to learn!

1. Donate Your Blinds

    Even if you no longer have a use for them, your old blinds can still be valuable to someone else! If you’re thinking of disposing of blinds that are still in relatively good working condition, you could explore options of giving them to your friends or local charities, thrift shops, and community centres, such as the following:

    By passing them along to a new owner, you declutter your home and give your blinds a chance to serve a new purpose and help others in need. It’s a win-win!

    Reach out directly to your chosen donation centre to inquire about their acceptance policy and the necessary procedures for donating your blinds.

    2. Sell Your Blinds: Extra Money

      If you want to earn additional money, you can sell your old blinds on online marketplaces or set up a garage sale alongside other items you’ve decided to clear out. Someone who needs blinds could be happy to buy them at a discounted price, especially if they’re still in good shape. 

      To reach a broader audience, you can host a garage sale or post it on online selling platforms like Gumtree, eBay, and Etsy.

      Selling your old blinds is a practical way to declutter and a chance to connect with others in your community. Knowing that your blinds are being reused by someone who needs them can be rewarding!

      3. Upcycle Your Blinds: Get Creative

        You can turn your old blinds into something new and valuable through crafty upcycling. Cut them into strips and turn them into plant labels, repurpose them as drawer dividers to organise kitchen essentials, use them as office supplies, or even make them into personalised bookmarks. You can make it into whatever you like or perhaps find useful!

        There are countless ways to upcycle your old blinds, so let your imagination run wild! Upcycling helps reduce waste and adds a personal touch to your home. Plus, you could even sell your work for extra cash. 

        You can find inspiration on platforms like Pinterest or by watching DIY videos on YouTube. Once you discover creative ways to repurpose old blinds, you'll be amazed by their hidden potential.

        4. Recycle Your Blinds

          Like any other waste, blinds can be recycled, particularly if they're made of plastic or metallic materials like aluminium. However, if they include non-metal components or cloth, you may ask whether your local recycling centres will take them. 

          But remember, it’s important to understand and verify acceptance policies with your local recycling centres first. If they do accept blinds, make sure you prepare them accordingly by removing any non-recyclable parts, such as cords or brackets. 

          Recycling helps conserve resources, reduces landfill waste, and reduces the need for new raw materials. Another win-win— you get rid of your blinds responsibly while helping your community. 

          5. Call A Rubbish Removal Company: Fast Disposal

            Whether you want to donate, sell, repurpose, or explore other disposal methods, it’s up to you. But we completely understand if deciding what to do with your old blinds feels overwhelming or you're too busy to deal with it. That’s where a reliable rubbish removal service provider comes in handy. 

            At All Gone Rubbish Removals, we’re fully equipped to dispose of your old blinds swiftly. Our expertise ensures that your waste is sorted out and disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner while following local guidelines and regulations. You can relax knowing your business with us will be smooth and hassle-free.

            Final Thoughts

            There are many ways to dispose of your blinds without harming the environment. However, to avoid all the hassle, you can call a rubbish removal service provider like All Gone Rubbish Removals. Don't worry about your waste—we've got it handled!

            We offer same-day rubbish removal services in the Greater Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle, and Hunter Region. If you ever need assistance with anything waste-related, call us at 0480 047 806 or email us at and get a FREE quote. 

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