Understanding fibreglass recycling and disposal in Sydney is critical to maintaining ecologically acceptable practices. Proper disposal and professional recycling services are crucial for the eco-friendly disposal of fibreglass, thus reducing the environmental impact of fibreglass waste in Sydney. Fibreglass waste generation is frequently established in construction and demolition waste statistics, making it challenging to identify […]
How To Dispose of Tyres in Sydney
Properly disposing of tyres in Sydney is essential for safeguarding the environment and adhering to local laws. Tyres cannot be discarded with regular rubbish because they pose an environmental risk. Why Proper Tyre Disposal is Important Appropriate tyre disposal is consequential for various reasons, including environmental protection and public and safety assurance. Improper discarding of […]
How to Dispose Of Commercial Printers & Photocopiers in Sydney
Commercial printers and copiers are indispensable equipment for businesses. They effectively handle massive printing, copying, scanning, and faxing. Understanding their capabilities, usage, and how to dispose of commercial printers is crucial when they are no longer needed or are inoperable. Disposing of office printers and photocopiers requires care to encourage recycling and eco-friendliness. Our dedicated […]
How to Dispose & Remove a Lawnmower in Sydney
Understanding the proper methods on how to remove a lawnmower in Sydney ensures safety and sustainable considerations. Before deciding to dispose of your lawnmower, consider its condition. It can be donated to local charities or community organisations if it works. You’ll benefit others and help reduce waste that goes to the tip. So, how do […]
How to Dispose & Remove a Piano in Sydney
One of the biggest pieces of furniture that's a challenge to dispose of is a piano. Whether it's an upright or a grand piano, removing a piano once it breaks down or you decide to upgrade your home becomes difficult. It's the same issue for those who downgrade to a smaller house, an apartment or […]
Top Waste and Trash Polluting Our Planet
The world population was estimated to be around 8 billion in 2023 and is projected to increase to 8.5 billion in 2030. These significant numbers, along with growing urbanisation and consumerism, directly impact global waste and trash production. The environmental and health consequences of inefficient and unchecked waste management can have far-reaching impacts. But despite […]
How Do I Stop My Neighbours From Using My Trash Bin
It's curbside collection day! You open your trash bin and find rubbish you've never seen before. What's worse is that the trash needs to be sorted out. You end up opening bags and boxes, going through the litter, and segregating what you can. What a hassle! In the middle of the chaos, you ask, "How […]
Christmas & Holiday Waste Statistics Australia
As the holiday season nears, Australians prepare for festive parties, gift-giving, and sumptuous feasts. With all the celebrations comes a surge in waste from wrapping paper, food packaging, and materials used in various events and festivities. Understanding Christmas waste statistics can help homes, offices, and businesses make more sustainable holiday choices, ensuring kinder celebrations for […]
Packaging Waste Statistics in Australia
Packaging materials such as plastics, cardboard, and paper are significant waste products found in most homes, offices, and manufacturing companies, making clutter and disposal a hassle. In homes, boxes, single-use plastic bags, and styrofoam food containers overflow bins, leading to more frequent rubbish collection schedules and trips to recycling centres and landfills. Excessive packaging can […]
Commercial Waste Statistics Australia: Growth & Trends
Good news! Australia is slowly heading in the right direction regarding waste management. According to the latest report, 63% of the country’s waste is being recovered and reused. This inspires everyone, especially those in the commercial sector, which makes up 43% of the total waste produced by the country. So, let us focus on commercial […]
Can I Put Timber Wood into a Green Waste Bin?
After trimming hedges and cutting overgrown tree branches, what do I do with waste timber wood? Can I put it in a green waste bin or take it directly to a recycling centre? In Australia, you can’t just throw away timber waste in regular rubbish bins or directly to landfills or recycling sites. You must […]
How to Reduce Waste: Ideas for Zero-Waste Living
Have you ever wondered where that piece of candy wrapper you threw in the bin or that plastic bag you discarded will eventually end up? In Australia, most rubbish we throw away in bins is in landfills. ABC News reports that despite national efforts to control rubbish disposal, a large portion of rubbish in the […]
The Cost of Waste in Australia: Financial Implications Backed by Statistic
Ever wonder how well Aussies manage their waste? Australia currently ranks 35th in waste management globally, a huge drop from 11th place in the 2022 Yale Environmental Performance Index. At worst, this could spiral as the country’s single-use culture intensifies. Simply put, opting for disposable products and packaging contributes to skyrocketing rubbish generation. Unless you […]
Bottle Waste Statistics Australia
Despite living in a water-scarce country, Australians consumed about 13,449 gigalitres (GL) of water in 2021-22. That’s nearly 27 times the volume of Sydney Harbour. Along with this massive thirst for water consumption is the flood of bottle waste in the beaches, parks, and waterways. Clean Up 2023 collected 31,566 beverage bottles, ranking third as […]
Wood Waste Statistics Australia
Australia has the second-highest reforestation rate globally, trailing behind China within the past decade. As the country’s landscape expands with such vast timber resources, so does its wood waste volume. Without actionable measures, this crisis hampers the nation’s sustainable future. Why does recovering squandered wood debris matter? These skyrocketing wood waste mounds can fuel industries […]